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Honoring the Life of Edward J. Hart

A great man is one that leaves others at a loss after he’s gone. This is true about Ed Hart. When Ed was only 37 years old he was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor called glioblastoma. The chances of survival were less then 10 percent. Even with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Ed had the surgery but declined the radiation and chemo. The doctors told Ed to get his affairs in order but Ed had other plans.  He believed that he was healed. After all, he had eight beautiful children to raise on his own. There was some residual side effects from his surgery, like seizures and short term memory loss. This did not stop Ed from what he believed was his mission in life.

His fierce love for his children was undeniably something to be admired. He taught his children about forgiveness and the value of family. He brought  them to church every Sunday and shared the importance of a higher power. He sacrificed more then any person I know to be a great parent to his kids.  He put his faith and trust in God.  


Little did we know all the wonders Ed Hart would come to accomplish. He constantly left us in awe with his urge to always help others. Family, friends, strangers, homeless- you name it, he was there to help. He took time to get to know people in need, he took the time to help them find God, to show them they too can have a second chance. There was never any judgement, he was never looking for anything in return… he just always saw and believed in the best of people. His strength was unmeasurable. His morals and values were ones' others only dreamt of. Ed Hart came to this earth with a purpose, a purpose he was well aware of. He left his mark on so many hearts that have been changed forever.

Ed’s dream was to help single parents try to better their lives. He knew firsthand how difficult it was. As a family, we decided to join forces with the Smithtown Children’s foundation to create a chapter in Ed’s memory to realize his dream, called Hart to Hearts.  Our mission is to provide emotional and financial assistance for single parents trying to better their lives and the lives of their children.  We believe that Ed’s legacy is that he left this world a better place then he found it.




For more information, contact:

Christine Fitzgerald



Susan Hart





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